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advertising medium 意味

"advertising medium"の例文


  • 広告媒体{こうこく ばいたい}
  • advertising     advertising n. 広告, 宣伝(活動); 広告業. 【動詞+】 This law banned the advertising of
  • medium     medium n. (1) (pl. ~s, media) 媒介物, 媒体; 手段, 機関; マスコミ, マスメディア; (pl. ~s) 霊媒.
  • medium for advertising    広告手段{こうこく しゅだん}
  • advertising     advertising n. 広告, 宣伝(活動); 広告業. 【動詞+】 This law banned the advertising of cigarettes. この法律がたばこの宣伝活動を禁止した broaden one's advertising (より広い層の人々にアピールするため)宣伝活動を多様化する They buy a lot of a
  • in advertising    広告業界で He's in advertising. 彼は広告業界の人です。/彼の仕事は広告業です。
  • by the medium of    ~の媒介で、~を通して、~によって、~の手を経て
  • in medium    (映画撮影{えいが さつえい}などで)主役{しゅやく}を中間距離に配置{はいち}して
  • medium    medium n. (1) (pl. ~s, media) 媒介物, 媒体; 手段, 機関; マスコミ, マスメディア; (pl. ~s) 霊媒. 【動詞+】 The university administration had alerted the media, and cameramen were on hand for the ambassador's visit to the
  • administrative advertising    行政広告
  • advertising account    広告代理店{こうこく だいりてん}への委託業務{いたく ぎょうむ}
  • advertising age    {商標} : アドバタイジングエイジ
  • advertising agency    advertising agency 広告社 こうこくしゃ
  • advertising agent    広告代理店{こうこく だいりてん}、広告代理人{こうこく だいりにん}、広告取次人、広告代理業者{こうこく だいり ぎょうしゃ}
  • advertising allowance    広告料割引
  • advertising analysis    広告{こうこく}の分析{ぶんせき}


  • uchiwa fan is still regarded as a japanese living tool for enjoying customs in summer like fireworks , or as an advertising medium .
  • kerorin oke (plastic bucket with advertisement of medicine , kerorin inner aspect of the bottom ) is famous and is put in a public bath also as an advertising medium .
  • with the dramatic increase of demand from merchants for uchiwa fan to distribute , uchiwa fan was gradually used as an advertising medium by adding the name relating to the clients on the back side as well as the image of their products and various messages on the front side .
  • uchiwa fan has been loosing its practical role due to the drastic change in living conditions such as the spread of electric fan , air conditioner and stove since 1965 , however , uchiwa fan now enjoys popularity as a living tool for cooling off in summer , a fashion tool for enjoying the japanese taste such as fireworks , a kitchen tool and an advertising medium .
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